The meeting took place in JRC Ispra, 11th December 2012. The Group identified the applications of biometrics where standardisation of testing could be of benefit.

The group, coordinated by CAST (UK) had its meeting at the JRC Ispra (VA), Italy, with 15 participants.

4th meeting on 18 October in London, and 5th meeting on 16 December 2013 in Ispra

11 April and 23 June 2014 in Ispra.

Five members attended this meeting, held in Madrid to coincide with the discussion of the revised proposals for the Biometrics Access Control standard at the meeting of Working Group 18 of the CEN

Most of the meeting was taken up with a review of the latest drafts of the 2 group deliverables concerning ‘Experiences from Large Scale Testing of Systems using Biometric Technologies’ and ‘Guidan

The need to strengthen the group’s membership in order to provide a critical mass of experts for the proposed tasks was identified.

In a highly productive second meeting, this thematic group completed the drafting of its Work Programme, including the identification of its sub-tasks.

The Group discussed the continuing input to biometric-related standards, in particular the latest draft of ISO 30137-1, which addresses the use of biometrics in video surveillanc

The Group reviewed the activities underway relating to the progress of the new ISO standard for facial recognition from CCTV, and the new CEN standard for use of biometric systems for physical acce