Early Warning Zones | ERNCIP Project

Early Warning Zones


Early Warning Zones



The ERNCIP thematic group (TG) on Early Warning Zones (EWZ) recently has explored the technical and operational issues associated with providing an early warning zone around critical infrastructures (CIs) and drafted a comprehensive report.

As a follow up action, ERNCIP suggested during a VC on 31 March 2020 that the TG EWZ should look at topics that have been flagged as being of high interest by EC policy makers:

  1. Unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) and other unmanned systems for critical infrastructure protection
  2. Artificial intelligence and automated sensors for critical infrastructure protection
The expert group accepted the task and will provide one or two reports which will examine the topics in detail. As a first step, different "use cases" of relevant critical infrastructure will be established, that should cover different aspects of different classes of critical infrastructure. These "use cases" will serve as input when examining the two topics suggested. A final report is expected within approximately one year.

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