
Theme: Critical Infrastructure Resilience
- Day 1: 23 May 2018, Resilience Assessment for critical infrastructures: Methods and Tools
- Day 2: 24 May 2018, Resilience Treatment for critical infrastructures: Guidelines and Standards

Theme: Critical Infrastructure Resilience
- Day 1: 11 May 2017, Improving organisational resilience for critical infrastructure operators
- Day 2: 12 May 2017, Achieving community resilience in collaboration with critical infrastructure operators

ERNCIP organised a 3rd workshop for infrastructure operators on April 27-28, 2016, in Ispra, Italy. The purpose of this workshop is to continue to intensify the collaboration with operators within the ERNCIP network, while exploring the theme of resilience for critical infrastructures.

The ERNCIP Operators Workshop aims to continue the successful collaboration with operators within the network, building on the experience from the first workshop that was held in Brussels last year. We hope to make this workshop a very interactive one with plenty of time for discussions among the participants.

Testing Security: the Critical Infrastructure Operators' View. The involvement of CI operators in ERNCIP is expected to strengthen the pool of scientific and technological expertise, developing both 'push' and 'pull', and will enhance the mechanism for assessing ERNCIP's working methodology and results.
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Video analytics adoption: Key considerations for the end-user
Thursday, August 4, 2016
This report outlines the basics of the technology, how it is used and its advantages. It aims to draw end-users attention to the key factors which must be taken into account when considering its adoption. It is aimed at managers, security personnel, law enforcement officers and other end-users whose knowledge of video analytics is limited. This report should help the end-user engage initially with potential providers of video analytics.

Experiences from Large Scale Testing of Systems using Biometric Technologies
Thursday, May 7, 2015
The intended readership of this paper is organizations looking to implement very large scale identification systems (e.g. national scale systems which may run to many millions of individuals). Many of the lessons and issues identified will also be useful for organizations looking to develop more general systems based on biometric technology. This paper describes a systematic approach to testing based on lessons learnt from a case study of large scale testing of biometric systems. This approach will enable the performance of the proposed biometric matching system to be characterized to ensure that it is ‘fit for purpose’ and that the benefits outlined in justifying the system can be met.

The Application of Biometrics in Critical Infrastructures Operations: Guidance for Security Managers
Sunday, July 5, 2015
Biometric technologies have advanced considerably over the past decade, and have paved the way for more widespread use by governments, commercial enterprises and, more recently, by the consumer through the introduction of sensors and apps on mobile phones. This report provides introductory information about the application of these technologies to achieve secure recognition of individuals by organisations which form part of critical infrastructures in the EU. As a specific example, it offers guidance about the implementation of physical access control systems using biometric technologies. It is principally addressed at managers and security officers within these organisations. With the information in this report, managers and officers should be in a better position to discuss their specific requirements with technology suppliers, specialist systems integrators and consultants – and therefore lead to applications which are more secure without compromising on their usability. The report emphasises the importance of considering the effectiveness of the entire application – and not just focussing on the performance of the biometric subsystem. Note that the representation of specific devices does not imply any recommendation by the authors or the European Commission.