Industrial Automated Control Systems and Smart Grids


Industrial Automated Control Systems and Smart Grids



Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is becoming more and more important in the delivery of essential services. Recent incidents have shown that Industrial Automation and Control Systems (IACS) can be vulnerable to cyber attacks and that such attacks can lead to disruptions of physical systems and networks. This makes security for IACS an important part of Critical Information Infrastructure Protection (CIIP).

Focus of work

The Thematic Group considered the common definitions for IACS, Smart Grids, and on whether to test at component or system level. With diverse views provided from the group, consensus proved difficult to achieve on the scope of the work streams that the TG will undertake. Options are for the TG to focus on the human vulnerabilities of IACS systems, and to investigate the need for work on testing and certification of technology components.


This Group ceased in 2013, after contributing to the Global Information Assurance Certification (GIAC) initiative that led to the launching of the vendor-neutral Global Industrial Cyber Security Professional (GICSP) Certification.

Deliverables List