Video Surveillance for Security of Critical Infrastructure


Video Surveillance for Security of Critical Infrastructure



Recent years have seen a growth in the use of video surveillance technologies as part of the package of protective security measures used to protect critical infrastructures and other valuable assets. Academia and industry have been investing time and money in relevant technology innovations, but there is a lack of standardisation, testing and accreditation in Europe that would help users to ensure that video surveillance products are fit for their purposes.

This ERNCIP Thematic Group will endeavour to identify the activities at European level on video surveillance technologies within the security sector that will assist operators of critical infrastructure improve their protective security.

Focus on work

The focus in the 2015-2016 lifecycle will be:

  • To determine how EU standards activities could best support user needs for the evaluation of video surveillance systems.
  • To produce a guide for end users of factors to consider regarding the deployment of automated video surveillance.
  • To determine how best to enable Collation/Common access to data sets in the EU for testing/evaluation of video surveillance software.

The work programme - Main deliverables

This Thematic Group will work on the following outputs:

  • the options for a New Work Item relating to the use of video surveillance technology for security, and draft an outline roadmap that would eventually culminate in a Committee Draft Standard;
  • a user guide for end-users of video security systems;
  • a current state assessment on access to data sets in the EU for testing/evaluation of video analytics software and a gap analysis and recommendations regarding further development of access to data sets in the EU for testing/evaluation of video analytics software.

Deliverables List


Access to data sets

Thursday, December 15, 2016