ERNCIP News & Events
The list is ordered by date the article was posted

Monday, August 29, 2016 - 11:02
News date:
Monday, August 29, 2016 - 11:02
As the ERNCIP project has concluded its first phase, this book documents and consolidates the work performed by the network, particularly the work of its thematic groups (TGs) between 2011 and 2014. It is co‑authored by some of the TG coordinators and the ERNCIP office.

Monday, August 29, 2016 - 11:09
News date:
Monday, August 29, 2016 - 11:09
The ERNCIP Platform - Statistics of the Thematic Group reports and deliverables

Monday, August 29, 2016 - 11:17
News date:
Monday, August 29, 2016 - 11:17
ERNCIP Newsletter N.17, Apr-Jun 2016
Newsletter 17, Apr-Jun 2016 has been published and available for download

Monday, August 29, 2016 - 10:01
Event date:
Wednesday, September 9, 2015 - 10:00
The JRC was invited to present at this conference on research activities being conducted at the EU level on security matters.

Monday, August 29, 2016 - 10:04
Event date:
Thursday, April 16, 2015 - 10:00 to Friday, April 17, 2015 - 17:00
16-17 April 2015 in Brussels

Monday, August 29, 2016 - 10:08
Event date:
Monday, March 16, 2015 - 10:00 to Wednesday, March 18, 2015 - 18:00
The IFIP Working Group 11.10 on Critical Infrastructure Protection is an active international community of scientists, engineers and practitioners dedicated to advancing the state of the art of research and practice in the field of cr

Monday, August 29, 2016 - 10:10
Event date:
Monday, March 16, 2015 - 10:15
ERNCIP participated to the Critical Infrastructure Protection & Resilience Europe conference and exhibition (CIPRE) to present its findings "on the Challenges for the common testing of CIP security solutions in the EU", and to publicise the ERNCIP Inventory.

Monday, August 29, 2016 - 10:14
Event date:
Wednesday, October 30, 2013 - 10:15
CPEXPO international conference, organized under the European Parliament's high patronage, aimed to found a new permanent platform, both cultural and commercial, regarding themes linked to the Communit

Monday, August 29, 2016 - 10:18
Event date:
Tuesday, December 11, 2012 - 09:15 to Wednesday, December 12, 2012 - 17:15
The European Commission Joint Research Centre held its first ERNCIP Conference in Ispra on 12-13 December 2012.

Monday, August 29, 2016 - 10:23
Event date:
Tuesday, November 29, 2011 - 10:00 to Wednesday, November 30, 2011 - 16:30
The ERNCIP Trust Conference took place at JRC Ispra on 29-30 November, 2011.