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1st Erncip conference Ispra December 2012


Erncip Conference 2012 - Session 2

Mon, 2014-04-28

Session II: EU and International testing standards for security solutions

Session Chairman: Mr Sandro Bologna

Presentation documents from Session 2 include:

  1. Overview of JRC’s standardization activities, Peter Churchill, JRC
  2. An overview of the current status of international security standards, Bert M. Coursey, ISO Strategic Advisory Group-Security
  3. European Standards - solutions, Ashok Ganesh, CEN/CENELEC (European Electrotechnical Standardization)
  4. Airport security testing standards, Rad Olszewski, DG HOME
  5. Standardization of security technologies: the French initiative on CBRN-E detection, Laurent Olmedo, CEA
  6. ICS and Smart Grids Security Standards, Sandro Bologna, Associazione Italiana Infrastrutture Critiche
  7. How standards help assure critical systems – lessons from standards-led testing of biometric solutions, Marek Rejman-Greene, Centre for Applied Science and Technology, Home Office, UK


Erncip Conference 2012 - Session 3

Mon, 2014-04-28

Session III: EU-wide certification and accreditation for security solutions

Session Chairman: Mr François Murgadella

Presentation documents from Session 3 include:

  1. The added value of accreditation for testing, inspection and certification activities, Dr. Paolo Bianco, Accreditation body of Italy
  2. Water Supply Security (Risk assessment in regard to possible contamination of drinking water), Dr. Julia Sasse, Robert Koch Institute
  3. SecurEau—Security and decontamination of drinking water distribution systems following a deliberate contamination, Dr. Sylvain Fass, Université de Lorraine
  4. Qualification of the European large research testing facilities, Maurizio Zola, P&P LMC – Seriate BG and Fabio Taucer, JRC
  5. The value of blast resistant testing, standardization and certification, Ans van Doormaal, TNO
  6. Experience in accreditation of safety and security related activities, Christina Waddington, Finnish Accreditation Service
  7. Is the whole system more than the sum of its certified parts?, Dr. Francois Mesqui, Morpho Detection


Erncip Conference 2012 - Session 4

Mon, 2014-04-28

Session IV: Investments in R&D on security solutions

Session Chairman: Mr Luigi Rebuffi

Presentation documents from Session 4 include:

  1. Building the bridge between practice and research by identifying the needs, Jos Menting, Laborelec GDF Suez
  2. GAP analysis: from scenarios to needs in explosives detection, Didier Poullain, CEA
  3. Towards a European Infrastructures Simulation and Analysis Center, Dr. Erich Rome, Fraunhofer Institute for Intelligent Analysis and Information Systems


Conference booklet

Wed, 2014-04-16

Overview of all the speakers and the presentation summaries.


Erncip Conference 2012 - Session 1

Wed, 2014-04-16

Session I: Common test protocols for security solutions

Session Chairman: Dr.-Ing. Alexander Stolz

Presentation documents from Session 1 include:

  1. Security standards at NIST, Dr. Richard Cavanagh, NIST Special Programs Office
  2. The development of performance standards for the evaluation of video analytics systems, Adam Nilski, Centre for Applied Science and Technology, Home Office, UK
  3. Defining Objectives for New Regulations to Support the Management of the Human Factor within Video Surveillance, Lucio Tirone, ASTER 
  4. Protection of Water Resources and Supply Infrastructures - opportunities for innovation in water ecoindustries?, Dr. Bernd Manfred Gawlik, JRC
  5. Standardization – experiences and needs in water safety, Ramona Lugosi, Transdanubian Regional Waterworks Corporation
  6. Creating a cost efficient Pan European security solution validation and testing regime, the industry perspective, Perrine Gueroult, Smiths Group
  7. Common test protocols for detection equipment, Michael Hill, Bundespolizei Lübeck


ERNCIP Conference opening - Hans-Martin Pastuszka, DG Enterprise

Wed, 2014-04-16


European Security Standardisation & Certification

Hans-Martin Pastuszka
DG Enterprise and Industry