The initial meeting of thematic area Resistance of structures to explosion effects took place in Ispra on the 15 March, and was attended by nine participants from five Member States and from the JR

The second meeting of the group took place at the JRC in Ispra on the 10 July, gathering together 15 experts representing experimental facilities and laboratories from Finland, France, Germany, th

The Thematic Group held teleconference meetings on 6 February and 19 of March.

Resistance of Structures to Explosion Effects TG
6th meeting on 27 May (teleconference) and 7th meeting of 26-27 June 2013

8th meeting on 24-25 September 2013, JRC Ispra

16th October 2012, JRC Ispra, Italy

Tele-conference on 3 December 2013 The group resolved the last open points of their final version of the report on the different methodologies for testing the resistance of windows and glazing.

The TG discussed its present working plan and possible steps for the next year's activity. Two new sub-groups were established:

The primary purpose of the meeting was to complete the two main Reports of the Group (Numerical Simulations WP2&3 and Testing Methods), and to agree the next steps for 2015.

In this first key meeting of 2015 the group worked on the final versions of the two reports: