CBRNE meeting on 18-19 February in Brussels

2014-02-18 08:30 to 2014-02-19 15:30
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CBRNE meeting on 18-19 February in Brussels

The ERNCIP work by the thematic group on Chemical & Biological risks to the Water Sector was presented as part of the first day of the CBRN Chemical sub-group meeting in Brussels, at the invitation of DG HOME, which was concerned with the state of play of various activities and CIPS/FP7 projects supporting the implementation of the EU’s CBRN Action Plan, in respect  of Chemical threats. The ERNCIP work was made in the form of a joint presentation by the ERNCIP Office, and the coordinator of the ERNCIP thematic group, Philipp Hohenblum of the Austrian Environment Agency.

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