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ERNCIP training for professionals in critical infrastructure protection


ERNCIP training for professionals in critical infrastructure protection: from risk management to resilience

Mon, 2017-08-07


This report, about the ERNCIP pilot course on ‘Training for professionals in critical infrastructure protection: from risk management to resilience', contains an analysis of the roadmap followed by the Joint Research Centre (JRC) in establishing, in cooperation with DG Migration and Home Affairs, a first-of-its-kind training event strongly based on the European programme for critical infrastructure protection (EPCIP). This deliverable contains references to all the steps involved in this project; its conceptualisation, the validation of its functional requirements and modules and its final execution in Brussels from 21 to 23 June 2016.

The aim of this document is to disseminate the methodologies and material collected during the execution of the project and provide useful references, topics and suggestions to educators and trainers — and their organisations — that are willing to organise or fine-tune courses on critical infrastructure protection and resilience with a focus on European policies and strategies.

The ERNCIP’s goal, following the publication of this report, is to receive feedback from institutions and experts that have made use of the course materials with a view to integrating them in such courses in the future.