Download Area

The section contains downloadable resources such as TG deliverables, conference presentations and ERNCIP Office documents. The list is presents the most recent uploaded documents first.




ERNCIP 2020 Strategy

Tue, 2014-04-15


ERNCIP 2020 Strategy
This strategy document motivates why ERNCIP needs to continue also beyond 2014 and outlines the policy framework that calls for its continuance. The policy framework is boiled down into four strategic goals: 
1. Improved effectiveness of security technology;
2. A single market for security technology;
3. Improved research and innovation in security technology;
4. International cooperation.


ERNCIP Thematic Areas State of the Art

Tue, 2014-04-15


ERNCIP Thematic Areas State of the Art, P. Gattinesi and C. Pursiainen.
This report reviews the achievements to date in the ERNCIP Thematic Areas, describing why they were prioritised, how the work is organised, and summarising the focus and challenges of each thematic group. The report contains a SWOT-analysis of the This report reviews the achievements to date in the ERNCIP Thematic Areas, describing why they were prioritised, how the work current way of organising the work of the thematic groups. The report concludes with recommendations, divided into those applicable in the short term, i.e. to the current ERNCIP period (2013-2014), and those applicable for the longer term for preparing the (possible) next ERNCIP period (2015-2020).


European CIP-related Testing Capabilities: Gaps and Challenges

Tue, 2014-04-15


European CIP-related Testing Capabilities: Gaps and Challenges 
One of ERNCIP’s goals is to identify gaps in European CIP-related experimental and testing capabilities, and to set up a wider debate on how to deal with these gaps. This report draws an indicative picture about the known state of European CIP-related test capabilities.

