ERNCIP Group of EU CIP Experts - 29 Jun 2016 JRC Ispra

ERNCIP Group of EU CIP Experts

29 June 2016, JRC Ispra

Experts from thirteen Member States attended this meeting, and received updates on all of the eight ERNCIP thematic groups (TG) currently underway. Detailed presentations were provided to the Group by the Coordinators of three TGs:

  • Detection of Explosives and weapons in Secure locations
  • Applied Biometrics for the security of CI
  • Detection of Indoor Airborne CB agents.

The opportunity was taken to visit the European Laboratory for Structural Assessment, during which a full update was provided on the Resistance of Structures to Explosive Effects TG. The experts were updated on the outcome of the ERNCIP “Training for Professionals in Critical Infrastructure Protection and Resilience”, which had completed the previous week. The meeting finished with a lively discussion about the possible themes that should be considered for future ERNCIP TG activity in 2017 onwards.