8th ERNCIP Member State Expert Advisory Group meeting

ERNCIP Group of EU CIP Experts

20 May 2014 in Paris. This meeting was hosted by CEA, France, which allowed the Group members to be updated on relevant CEA research activities on CIP and CBRN-E matters. 12 Member States were represented, and were briefed in detail on the progress being made by ERNCIP’s Radiological and Nuclear Threats to CI Thematic Group by the Group’s Coordinator from STUK, Finland. As previously requested, the Group members were given the opportunity to present the status of their national CI processes, the methodology of identifying and registering national CI, and the main activities and issues for protection and resilience of CI. Group members were briefed about recent ERNCIP developments, and the outcome of the ERNCIP Academic Committee, and the status of the discussions for the continuation of ERNCIP when its current mandate completes at the end of 2014.