The 4th Expert Group meeting took place in Brussels, 7 June 2012, with the participation of seven Member States’ Experts and five Thematic Group coordinators. The purpose of the meeting was to review the progress of the work in the Thematic Groups, to update Expert Group members with other ERNCIP information, including the Conference and the newly launched ERNCIP Inventory and its data population, and to present the proposals for two new Thematic Areas to start in 2012.
The current status of each existing Thematic Area was discussed, with focus on the progress of the preparations of their work programmes. The newly appointed coordinators of the “Video Analytics and Surveillance” and “Biometrics” thematic areas presented their proposals for these areas. One potential new thematic area, “Smart Cities” was proposed, and will be further discussed at a future meeting.
The ERNCIP Office distributed leaflets and a standard PowerPoint presentation about ERNCIP, which is available for any stakeholder to use in external meetings.