25 May 2016 and 28 June 2016, Brussels - European IACS Components, Cyber-Security Compliance and Certification Scheme TG Meeting

IACS Components Cybersecurity Certification Scheme

25 May 2016 and 28 June 2016, Brussels

The Group has made use of the last two meetings to finetune the understanding and the overall vision of the pillars for the final report to be published in late 2016. Discussion has led to an intense technical discussion regarding common requirements, security profiles and compliance and certification process. The outcome of the discussion was cristalized in internal documents that have since been redistributed to the group in order to verify the common understanding and agreement around the topics that will constitute the final report. During last meeting the Group decided to improve the main concepts during the summer and reconvene in late September 2016 to finalise the remaining details that should lead to the production of the final report.