


A common gateway to National Law.

What is N-Lex?

  • An interface between you and databases on national legislation
  • A common search form enabling you to make searches in your own language
  • Search results coming directly from national databases
  • Descriptions of database contents and search options for each country (search fields and different types of national law)
  • EuroVoc  - the EU's multilingual thesaurus – which helps you to find the corresponding term in a language you do not know, when looking for words in the title or in the text
  • Context-sensitive help - to give you more information on specific search fields or show you examples


Who is N-Lex for?

  • N-Lex was designed to help companies, national civil services and parliaments, universities, legal specialists and the general public.
  • It can be useful if you are:
    • Intending to study or work abroad
    • Involved in international business
    • Interested in or need to examine the legal system in a particular EU country.


When and how was N-Lex developed?

N-Lex was launched on 28 April 2006. As interest in the project has grown, the number of national sites has risen from 4 at the outset to 25 today – with the long-term goal to include all EU countries. The site was developed jointly by the EU publications office and EU governments. N-Lex requires considerable ongoing collaboration on both sides, to create a stable, standardised system.